Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Aguri Foods Fukui (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as this “Policy") regarding the handling of personal information of users provided through this website.
Article 1    Personal information protection policy
The Company will promote the protection of personal information by establishing a personal information protection policy as described below, building a system for the protection of personal information, and ensuring that all of our employees recognize the importance of personal information protection and thoroughly implement related measures.
Article 2    Management of personal information
The Company will control personal information strictly through necessary measures. This includes implementing measures for personal information security such as maintenance of security systems, development of management system, and thorough employee training to ensure our customer's personal information is kept accurate and up to date and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, or leakage of personal information.
Article 3    Purpose of use of personal information
When a customer makes an inquiry from this website, they may be asked to register personal information such as their name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc. Such personal information will be used solely for the purposes for which it was provided.
Personal information received from customers will be used to send e-mails and materials to the customers to contact them, provide information about our business, and respond to questions.
Article 4    Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
The Company will manage personal information provided by customers appropriately and shall not disclose it to any third parties except in the following cases.
  • *When the customer has given consent
  • *When disclosing the information to subcontractors handling operations involved in the services desired by the customer
  • *When disclosure is required under law or regulations
Article 5    Security measures for personal information
The Company will take thorough security measures to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information.
Article 6    Inquiries by customer
When the customer requests to inquire about, revise, or delete their personal information, the Company will comply after confirming the identity of the person concerned.
Article 7    Compliance with and review of laws, regulations, and standards
The Company will comply with the laws and regulations of Japan and other standards applicable to the personal information in its possession. The Company will review this Policy as appropriate and strive to improve it.
Article 8    Inquiries
Contact the following for inquiries regarding the Company’s handling of personal information.

Aguri Foods Fukui
9-3-3 Maruoka-cho Yotsuyanagi, Sakai, Fukui 910-0341

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