Aguri Foods FUKUI is grateful for the blessings of nature in our home area of Maruoka-cho, Fukui Prefecture.
Our rice is cultivated with methods that are friendly to both people and the environment.
We strictly control the quality of the tasty rice we produce to ensure it is delivered to our customers in a delicious state.

Maruoka-cho, Sakai, Fukui Prefecture, is the birthplace of Dr. Keiichiro Ishizumi, known as the father of koshihikari rice.
The local region, situated in the downstream area of the Kuzuryu River, is blessed with bountiful clean water essential for growing rice in the rice paddies. The fertile soil in the alluvial fan of the Kuzuryu River ensures very flavorful rice.

Cultivating high-quality rice begins with preparing the soil to restore the natural strength of the land and grow hardy rice plants. All steps from seeding rice, to seedling cultivation, and harvesting are done by ourselves. We devote our time and effort to producing delicious rice with as few pesticides and chemical fertilizers as possible.

Our low-temperature warehouse, which can hold up to 6,000 tons, is maintained at humidity and temperature suitable for rice, preserving the quality of the rice in a clean environment at all times. In addition, we have our own rice polishing facility, where rice is carefully inspected, including two color inspections, and polished to ensure the highest quality and freshness of rice for our customers.