Okawa-san's Rice

Ohkawa-san’s Rice
We strive to deliver safe, healthy, and delicious rice grown with reduced agricultural chemicals to your table.This desire is the foundation of our operations, from soil preparation to rice seeding, cultivation, storage, and polishing.
Know Your Rice Farmer
Aguri Foods FUKUI packages and ships only rice grown by “Ohkawa Aguri.”
With regular consolidated shipping, rice grown by farmers is collected and packaged, so you don’t know who produced the rice in the package.
We only handle high-quality rice for which the rice paddy soil was prepared, the rice seeded, sowed, cultivated, and harvested by Ohkawa Aguri.
Every package contains rice grown by Ohkawa Aguri at the rice paddies in Maruoka-cho in Fukui Prefecture.
Know Your Rice Farmer
Maruoka-cho, Fukui Prefecture
Our rice is grown in Maruoka-cho, Fukui Prefecture. Maruoka-cho is situated in the alluvial fan of the Kuzuryu River, a Class A river known as a symbol of Fukui Prefecture.
The Kuzuryu River, which flows from the mountains bordering Gifu Prefecture, is blessed with fertile semi-wet fields and abundant clear water that are perfect for growing rice.
Maruoka-cho is also the birthplace of Keiichiro Ishizumi, a doctor of agricultural science who developed Koshihikari rice. Enjoy the delicious rice grown right here in Maruoka-cho, the home of Koshihikari rice.
Maruoka-cho, Fukui Prefecture
Sparing no trouble, starting with soil preparation
Rice cultivation starts with preparing the soil for the rice paddies. Since rice plants grow by absorbing nutrients from the soil, once the rice has been harvested, the soil has lost its strength. The true power of the soil is recovered by replenishing nutrients required for rice making, and mixing in the rice straw after harvesting the rice. Of course, only safe fertilizer cleared by JGAP standards is applied to the soil.
We also systematically rotate the rice paddies to allow the soil to rest and regain its strength. Although soil preparation is time-consuming and expensive, by continuing the process each year, the soil regains its strength, grows strong rice plants resistant to disease and pests, and produces delicious rice.
Sparing no trouble, starting with soil preparation
JGAP-certified (GAP-certified)
“Ohkawa Aguri,” which produces our rice, is certified by JGAP.
JGAP stands for Japan Good Agricultural Practices.
JGAP sets the standards for sustainable farm management, including food safety, occupational safety, environmental protection, human rights, and welfare.
JGAP-certified (GAP-certified)
Growing safe and healthy rice
Aguri Foods Fukui has drastically reduced the use of agricultural chemicals to ensure the rice we produce is safe and healthy. We monitor the seedlings’ growth, adjust the timing to use agrichemicals, and reduce the amount used to the bare minimum to prevent adverse effects on the bodies of people who eat our rice. We regularly exchange information with agrichemical manufacturers and are constantly aware of the impact of such chemicals on people.
When preparing our soil, we implement methods that do not rely solely on chemical fertilizers by using the previous year’s straw and organic fertilizers.
The safety of our workers is also a serious concern. Any equipment, eye goggles, masks, etc., used when applying the agricultural chemicals are carefully washed after use. The pesticides and fertilizers we use comply with JGAP and eco farmer regulations.
Growing safe and healthy rice
Fukui Prefecture eco farmer certification
Ohkawa Aguri, the producer, is certified as an eco farmer by Fukui Prefecture based on the “Act on Promotion of Introduction of Sustainable Agricultural Production Practices.”
Ohkawa Aguri complies with the standard that the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers must be less than one-half of the conventional dose.
Fukui Prefecture eco farmer certification
Large-scale, low-temperature warehouse
Our low-temperature warehouse is controlled year-round to a temperature and humidity suitable for storing rice. The 347.80m2 (approx. the same as two tennis courts) low-temperature warehouse can store up to 600 tons (10,000 bales) of rice. Rice is stored following HACCP; a hygiene control plan is created, implemented, and records are kept. The warehouse is also thoroughly cleaned and maintained.
Large-scale, low-temperature warehouse
Regulations established by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare regarding hygiene control, recording, etc., for businesses handling food products.
Ohkawa Aguri’s Polishing Process
Rice produced by Ohkawa Aguri is stored in Aguri Foods FUKUI’s low-temperature warehouse, where it is polished just before shipment. To ensure that the freshest, most delicious rice is delivered to our customers, we only ship rice that we have polished.
Furthermore, the quality of the rice is thoroughly controlled with inspections, including two color sorting inspections.
Ohkawa Aguri’s Polishing Process
Polishing Process
  • 1. Impurities mixed in with the brown rice are removed, and bug-infected and chalky rice is sorted out.
  • 2. The rice is polished with the polishing machine.
    The rice is polished with a slow flow rate so that minimal heat is generated and the load on the rice is reduced.
    We also have a line for polishing “no-wash rice.”
  • 3. The rice is sorted by removing any rice that cracks during polishing and using a color sorting machine to remove any chalky rice.
  • 4.A metal detector is used to check for and remove any iron, such as iron sand.
  • 5.The polished rice is packaged and shipped.
Meticulous attention to quality
Aguri Foods FUKUI has employees who are qualified crop inspectors. Crop inspectors are qualified to determine the brand and grade of rice. Rice is classified into Grades 1, 2, 3, and substandard, depending on the kernel uniformity, water content, and percentage of defective rice. The professional eyes of the crop inspectors determine these grades.
These qualified crop inspectors make it possible to quickly polish the rice and prepare it for shipment. Our employees develop a sharp, professional eye to carefully assess the quality of the rice delivered to our customers.
Meticulous attention to quality
Aguri Foods FUKUI’s SDGs
SDGs 2.Zero Hunger
Aguri Foods FUKUI produces rice and buckwheat. We have built a system that allows us to grow crops stably every year with sustainable farming methods and provide a stable food supply.
SDGs 8.Decent work and economic growth
Aguri Foods FUKUI is making various efforts to make the agricultural industry an attractive occupation.
SDGs 12.
Responsible consumption and production
Aguri Foods FUKUI grows safe and healthy rice because it is a daily staple. In addition, we use only the minimum amount of agricultural chemicals, etc., in consideration of the environment.
SDGs 15.Life on land
It is said that rice paddies are effective in easing rising temperatures. They also act like dams that store water. Aguri Foods FUKUI protects our rice paddies by continuously cultivating rice. In addition, we carefully select the types of agricultural chemicals used to preserve the ecosystem of small critters that live in the rice paddies.